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Saturday, October 16, 2010

One Moment Please...

You know what I fuckin' hate? Calling a place and getting a stupid automated voice telling me my options. Well, what if what I'M calling for isn't on your fucking options menu??? Nothing is more irritating than calling a business and getting a machine on the other end. "For [bullshit] press 1, for [more bullshit] press 2..." etc. Yes, I know, some places, maybe most places, have the "To speak to a representative, press 0" option, but some places I call, do NOT have that option and so there's no fucking way for me to talk to a real person, and I just end up wasting [#] minutes and get pissed and irritable and then everything's ruined because I can't cross this ONE thing off my to-do list because some fucking douche bags in another state are too good to answer the fucking phone or their asses are so tight, they can't afford to hire real people to answer phones for them.
Welcome to the US of fucking A.


  1. I feel your pain. I had an important question about a grant deadline today and called Southarts (a big presenter organization in Atlanta, hours 9 AM-5PM M-F) and tried to speak to a live person. No one was in and when I dialed 0 to speak to the operator I got the choice to leave a message on her voicemail or dial 0 to speak to the operator. So I dialed 0, etc.,etc.,etc.,...

  2. OR you get some dumbass from another country and you can't understand a damn word they're saying. That REALLY pisses me off.

  3. Yes, I hate when the machines give you the run around. So not only do you have to deal with machines playing with you, but you also have to deal with the foreign douche bags who can hardly speak English and get pissed when you ask them to repeat themselves a million times. And they always pronounce your name wrong and never understand what it is you're trying to explain to them.
