Welcome to STFU Already!

You're one stop blog spot for rants, reviews and sarcasm!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Use a Fucking Rubber!!!

If you're too fucking lazy and irresponsible to take care of a child, use a fucking condom when you have sex. Or better yet, don't have sex at all!!! What the fuck is wrong with the world today!?! It absolutely sickens me and hurts my heart when I hear stories of babies being killed. I wish I could remain blissfully ignorant to subjects such as this, but I can't. It makes me cry and I think every single one of the fuckers who kills a baby should be tortured to death.
If you want to know what got me started on this rant, just click here to read about a mother who killed her baby because it interrupted her game on Facebook.
I could go on forever about this, but I'm fucking disgusted and I want to go find something to do to take my mind off of it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Why the hell does Walmart only ever have [at the most] 5 check out lanes open??? They have about 20+ check out lanes!!! I can understand only having 5 or so open late at night but at 9pm...10pm. Why? Why piss people off so much? And none of those 5 are "20 Items or Less" lanes. So if you have ONE item and everyone else has 50, you have to stand there while your shit melts and spoils because none of the fucking douche bags in front of you are polite enough to say "Oh, you can go ahead since you only have one item." No, they'd rather be dicks and let your shit go to waste while their fat asses take their sweet time putting all this shit on the conveyor belt that they shouldn't be buying in the first place. Like ice cream, chips, soda, cookies, etc. Buddy, you're disturbingly obese. Put that shit back and grab the ingredients to make a salad. And don't give me that shit about you having problems with your weight, because the only problem you have is not being able to control your junk food intake.
Another thing I hate about Walmart...why the fuck are their "cart return" things so few and far between? It's like a wild fucking goose chase every time you want to be that good Samaritan and put your cart where it goes. No wonder everyone just puts their carts in random ass spots. It's not that they're necessarily lazy, they just don't feel like walking all over hell and back to find the damn cart return places.
With all that said, I'm going to end this post with a simple picture...

Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh look, a contest...

Hey everyone, there's a contest going on...There's a new show starting on AMC as of Halloween night and the show is having a contest on their website to see who can get the most "clicks" I guess to let people know about the show.
Anyway each person gets their own, unique URL and every time someone clicks on it, it keeps track and whoever wins gets money and stuff like that.
So please click here to help ME get some "clicks" or whatever. And if you end up participating in the contest, I'll click your URL for you, just post it as a comment on here.
Thank you.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

What the Fuck?

I read an article today about a Chinese woman who was forced to have an abortion when she was 8 months pregnant because the baby would have violated the country's one-child limit. What the fuck is that about?!?
So let me get this straight...we Americans can send students to China to live and work, even though China's heavily overpopulated, but they have one-child limits on families and force the women to have abortions if they already have a child?!? Again...what the fuck?!? Jesus, I'm glad I don't live over there. I know they're overpopulated but that's murder! Those are living babies! My God, by the time they're 8 months in the womb, their bones are already formed and their lungs are almost completely mature. All I can say is that I will never visit China. I'm completely disgusted by the way their government handles things. To me, they're nothing but inhuman, baby murdering assholes! I feel so sorry for the people who are stuck living there.

If you want to read the story for yourself, click here. It'll redirect you to Yahoo! News.

Monday, October 18, 2010

"Tonight's the night...and it's going to happen again and again..."

"Beauty and the Beast" is the title of tonight's episode of Dexter. It was definitely intense. There were some heart stopping, edge of your seat, hold your breath type of moments and as usual, the episode ended in a cliff hanger, making the audience anxious for next week's episode. If you do not have Showtime, or if you missed tonight's episode and don't mind watching it online, check it out at www.ch131.com. You can find it on the home page at the top under "TV Shows".
If you're on Facebook, don't forget to "like" the Dexter page, where you can get your hands on videos, updates, discuss things with other Dexter fans, and join in on fun games and quizzes.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

One Moment Please...

You know what I fuckin' hate? Calling a place and getting a stupid automated voice telling me my options. Well, what if what I'M calling for isn't on your fucking options menu??? Nothing is more irritating than calling a business and getting a machine on the other end. "For [bullshit] press 1, for [more bullshit] press 2..." etc. Yes, I know, some places, maybe most places, have the "To speak to a representative, press 0" option, but some places I call, do NOT have that option and so there's no fucking way for me to talk to a real person, and I just end up wasting [#] minutes and get pissed and irritable and then everything's ruined because I can't cross this ONE thing off my to-do list because some fucking douche bags in another state are too good to answer the fucking phone or their asses are so tight, they can't afford to hire real people to answer phones for them.
Welcome to the US of fucking A.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Side Effects

Have you guys ever noticed how the side effects of medications are worse than what you're taking them for? Take [insert medicine name here] for example...it's an antidepressant. I think, if given the choice between [antidepressant] and depression, I'd take depression, just because of the horrible side effects [antidepressant] causes. Here's just a few of the side effects...

Nausea, drowsiness, headaches, dry mouth, dizziness, insomnia, constipation, fatigue, diarrhea, loss of appetite, sore throat, weakness, sweating, vomiting, decreased sex drive, upper respiratory tract infection, coughing, shakiness, frequent urination, sexual side effects including ejaculation problems and orgasm problems, blurred vision, anxiety, weight loss, hot flashes, yawning, abdominal pain, vertigo, gas, indigestion or heartburn, seasonal allergies, muscle spasms, taste changes, suicidal thoughts and actions, and abnormal dreams.

WOW! So let's see...if I were depressed and began taking [antidepressant], I wouldn't be depressed but I'd be shitting and pissing myself and uncontrollably twitching and vomiting while stumbling through the house with blurred vision, praying I make it to the bathroom. Yeah, that medicine would definitely jerk me out of depression, want to know how? I'd probably be that one sad fucker that is of the few percentile who ends up committing suicide. Hey! I'm not depressed...cause I'm dead! What a life. Why must the world constantly turn to medicine for help? Just talk to people and help them through their problems in a natural, non life-threatening way.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Just One of Those Days

I'm sure we've all had days like this. I have a lot of them. Maybe I'm just pessimistic, I don't know. I just get severely pissed off and irritable all the time. And it always happens on those days where everything fucks up. Example: You set the alarm, sleep through it and wake up incredibly late. Your hair decides to be a douche bag and can't be tamed. You bump your elbow on door frames as you pass through. You stub your toe on the fucking bed frame as you make the bed. Since you're in a hurry, you figure you'll grab something quick for breakfast, like a pop tart. As you look in the kitchen cabinet, you realize one of the douche bags you live with had finished off the pop tarts and left the empty box in the damn cabinet. Cursing under your breath the whole time, you make your way to the fridge to grab a coke or something quick to take with you. You grab your keys, run out, lock up and head to your car. On this particular day, some fucking idiot parked two inches from your car so you have to take extra time squeezing in between the two vehicles, your body bending in ways you never thought possible. Once you're in the car, you open your coke for a quick sip and of course, the fucking fizz splashes all over your car and outfit. Your seat belt gets jammed and takes longer than usual to put on. Now here comes the fun part of the day...
As you drive to work, of course, since you're late, you get stuck behind every single handicapped person, geriatric fuck, everyone else who drives 10mph under the speed limit and swerves occasionally on the road, and you hit every red light.
Once you arrive at work, you realize everyone took all of the close parking spots, so you park all the way out in BFE and walk, tripping on absolutely nothing as you do so, looking like a douche bag. When you finally arrive to work, they inform you that it is your day off, that you come in tomorrow. And it is at that moment that you mumble "Fuck my life" and proceed to leave and go home.

Quick Post

I know, I haven't updated in almost two whole days, shut up and get a life. Anyway, tonight's post is short, because I have a life and it's been busy lately. Enjoy and expect more tomorrow.

[These are some pictures I took of things while I was vacationing in Florida]

Friday, October 1, 2010

The List of Pretty Damn Cool Things To Do

1. Put rims on your car that cost more than your house.
2. Sag your pants so low people can't tell if you're wearing pants, shorts, or capris.
3. Blare your car stereo so loudly people can hear your car rattling.
4. Keep the tags on your clothes, hats, and shoes when you wear them out in public.
5. Text and talk on your cell phone while you drive.
6. Order something at a restaurant, eat more than half of it, then complain and try to get out of paying for it.
7. Go to a nice restaurant and tell the waiter/waitress right off the bat that you're in a hurry so make it quick.
8. Go tanning so much that your skin will look like leather in about 20 years.
9. Say 'aks' instead of 'ask'.
10. Put camouflage siding on your vehicle.
11. Put a huge ass muffler on your vehicle so that it sounds like a bad bowel movement when you speed down the road.
12. Blow right through stop signs, especially in neighborhoods where children often play.
13. [Guys] When you want the attention of a female, yell "AYE!" repeatedly.
14. When driving, stop in the middle of the road to carry on a conversation with a friend. Take your time, the long line of people behind you really don't give a shit.
15. When you rent a game or movie, go ahead and put your finger prints all over it and scratch the fuck out of it.