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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What's That Aboot, Eh?

Ok, I'm sure this is old news, but this is a new blog, therefore, this subject is something I want to discuss.
What the HELL is up with Canada's new speed bumps? They're an optical illusion of a child.
This...is the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard of, for a couple of reasons:

A: People might try to swerve to "miss" the child and freak out even more as they feel the "bump bump" under their tires.
B: Drunk people [or just idiots] might see an actual child in the road and think it's just a speed bump and run it over.

Whoever thought this up is officially the world's biggest dumbass. Obviously this wasn't a well thought out plan. Maybe Canada should stick with what they know best, Ice Hockey.

[Sorry tonight's post is so short. I just haven't been exposed to any douche bags today. Maybe they've all started hibernating...we can only hope]. :]

1 comment:

  1. Any post with Red from That 70s Show gets my vote!
