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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Caught Driving While Douche Bag

Douche bags...the world's full of them and I knew they wouldn't let me down tonight as I ventured to my mother's to watch the new episode of Dexter [since I don't get Showtime].
Let me begin by saying this...if you're driving at night and can see a car ahead of you in the distance, turn off your fucking brights! If I can see YOU, I know you can see ME! So be respectful and turn the damn things off. And another thing...if you're driving, put your damn cell phone DOWN! DON'T TOUCH IT! Is reading or sending a stupid ass text that reads "Lol" or "yeah" really worth your life? Well if you're pathetic enough to use your cell phone while driving, maybe it is.
Also, why the hell do people eat while they drive? I'm not talking about just a little candy bar or anything like that, I'm talking about whole fuckin' McDonald's meals. I've seen people stuffing their faces with Big Macs while driving down the highway. Just couldn't wait to get home and cook a real meal?
Today's people are so impatient, lazy, and just plain stupid. I could rant for hours but I'm getting pissed again just talking about these idiots.

On another note [a review], tonight's premiere of season 5 of Dexter was very good. Dark, emotional, dramatic. I don't want to be a spoiler so I'll just say that a couple of people in the show made some stupid decisions and I can't wait to tune in next Sunday and see what happens. If you missed the episode tonight, don't worry, tomorrow you should be able to watch it on http://www.ch131.com/


  1. Ahhh, Dexter. The premiere was VERY dark...I mean, I knew it would be, and it pretty much has to be, right? But dang. It was uncomfortable.
    Best show. Ever. Aaron left yesterday for work, so I'm waiting until he gets home to watch the second episode...it's going to be a long week till he gets back!
    (Btw, this is Allison...I realize you probably don't know my Google ID.) :)

  2. Dexter definitely is the best show ever. It's season 5 premiere got over 2.34 million viewers, and I think that's only counting Nielsen families. I watch it twice every Sunday lol Once with my mother and stepfather, then later that night at home with Tony when he gets home from work. I can't wait to see what happens with Quinn's "Kyle Butler" search.
